
'Being mindful' means being mindfully aware of the current experience. From this moment.
We often experience life differently, a lot is demanded of us, we experience stress and live on autopilot. The balance in our nervous system between activation and regulation is lost and we find ourselves in a state of survival. This can be accompanied by insomnia, anxiety, sadness and physical complaints. Through Mindfulness you learn to look at and observe your thoughts, feelings and sensations. Instead of acting reactively, you stop and test persistent beliefs and critical voices for their truth. In the space and silence this creates, you have the opportunity to make conscious and compassionate choices for more relaxation, peace and self-care.
This way you teach your brain to take new paths and build inner resilience to keep yourself strong in any situation.

At Samudita we mainly offer the Individual Mindfulness training, possibly as a Duo training with a friend or colleague.

Jon Kabat-Zinn originally developed Mindfulness Training (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, MBSR) as a group training. But sometimes it is not desirable or possible to follow the training in a group. For example, hypersensitivity of your nervous system due to burnout. Or if someone cannot sit for very long due to physical complaints. The training times can be adjusted to individual wishes, and there is of course a lot of personal attention for the situation you are in, so you can also work much more deeply.

The training consists of 8 individual meetings and an intake interview at the beginning. Just like in the group training, you will receive a workbook and audio files with exercises that you do at home.

In addition to the classic 8-week Mindfulness Training (MBSR), we also work with Mindful Yoga, Yoga Nidra and Restorative Yoga for reconstruction and recovery.

Barbara is a certified Mindfulness trainer trained at the Center for Mindfulness in Amsterdam and as a cat. 1 trainer member of the professional association VMBN and the Mindfulness Register. Because of this certification, Samudita's Mindfulness training is often reimbursed by your health insurer.
Click here to see if your health insurer covers this

Samudita mindfulness
Barbara Handke Mindfulness
Samudita Yoga Ohm
Barbara Handke Namaste
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